Think of this as your one-stop, online journal for education, happenings, and more from your buds at Garden Party.

  • Delta 9? It's Looking Fine (so far!)

    Delta 9? It's Looking Fine (so far!)

    Wondering how to get high in a prohibition state? Garden Party in Asheville, North Carolina offers hemp-derived Delta 9 THC edibles and tinctures that are federally legal, third-party tested, and really quite nice. Curious? Read on, canna-friends.  Image via @sheweedbrand...

  • Delta 8; more like Delta "wait"🤚

    Delta 8; more like Delta "wait"🤚

    Even for cannabis novices, they are seeing Delta 8 sold in gas stations, “dispensaries”, and restaurants!? This stuff is everywhere! Maybe you've tried a gummy, maybe you're Delta 8 curious; we are going to share some facts and micro rants about why this outlier THC molecule is currently stupid popular. 
  • I Think It's Time We Talk (Terpenes).😎

    I Think It's Time We Talk (Terpenes).😎

    Terpenes are the organic compounds in plants that give it an aromatic smell. Have you ever described something as "piney" or "citrus"? What you are describing is terpenes. Terpenes not only give off a smell when the plant is alive, they also offer benefits such attracting pollinators, discouraging foragers, and preventing disease in the plants themselves.